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Hello! I’m Reece, the mama behind Nourish

I am so grateful that you are here. It is a pleasure and honor to support women on
their journeys. I have goosebumps right now as I reach across the ether to share
with you something soft and tender from inside myself about how this
wellness project was birthed.

To express myself simply, I am a wellness coach & creatress of courses designed to inspire
and empower women to live in greater alignment with their hearts and use
timeless tools to improve their sense of wellbeing in mind and body.

For the past 12 years, I have been on a wild journey of unraveling.

One of both softening and strengthening. A journey through the labyrinth of life, birth, death & transformation. I released my well-paved planned-out path being a microbiologist and began a journey of following my bliss, traveling around the world for a decade, living in forests, in caves, through mountains, & in a tiny jungle treehouse where I trained in moving meditation every day for several years in a Taoist monastery. Throughout this decade, I studied nutrition and herbal medicine, exploring healing modalities such as fasting, breathwork, raw food, & sun gazing, returning to the earth as medicine and working with my own innate healing powers.

Along the way, I grew increasingly fascinated by the natural strength and capacity of women. Our cycles, our physiological and energetic connection to the moon, our potential to birth our babies into our own hands and feed them from our bodies.

And then I had my own pregnancy adventure, where I dove even more deeply into my innate wisdom and power from within. I learned the other side of nutrition, how the messages come through and how to listen to them and honor my body and the life that is growing inside me. I experienced physiological birth, catching my baby as she came out of my body into my arms in a warm pool of water. I lived postpartum, from all I had planned for a blissful after-birth experience with all the right foods and practices, and how it was in reality. How raw and painful it was not to have the full spectrum of support I needed. I paved my path of healing my mind and body. My daughter’s father left us when she was only 7 months old, and I have been on an enormous journey to find my power again. I don’t think there is anything more vulnerable than being the sole caretaker of a baby. I had to learn a strength that I did not know I could have. In this time of darkness, I found my brightest light. My greatest tools. My most humble & loving approach to self-care and wellness, both wolf-like & grandmotherly.

In an elegant blend of ancient mindfulness techniques, and Ayurvedic nutrition interwoven with the paramount intention to be kind to the sweet child within us, I’m on a mission to share golden keys to open the doors for women to access their own most awakened potential. Like roses that grow towards the sun, may we align with our most natural selves, our most extraordinary inner beauty and self-loving nature, and may we open up and listen deeply to the wild woman of wisdom within us all.